WWW Wednesday: September 13, 2017

WWW Wednesdays is a weekly meme hosted by Taking On A World Of Words.

The Three W’s stand for:
What did you recently finish reading?
What are you currently reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

How is it already Wednesday again?  I feel like I just did Wednesday, but I can probably chalk that up to the fact that I keep losing track of what day it is.  When it’s gloomy and rainy and cold for multiple days in a row, they all just blend together into one long feeling of not wanting to go to work and just spend the day wrapped up on the couch with a Butterbeer latte and a good book.

But at least I have a cozy, warm home to live in.  To all of those who have been affected by the hurricanes and wildfires and other random weather craziness, my thoughts and prayers are with you.  I hope you are all safe and that you have a place to comfortably sit and read again sometime soon–I know few things help me cope with life as well as getting lost in a good book for a while.

With that in mind, here’s my WWW Wednesday:

Recently Finished:

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

Okay, guys, I get it.  I get why everyone raves about this book.  It took me a while to get through it, but it ended up being amazing.  I loved Julie and Maddie and really admired their friendship.  Although they’re very different people, they’re both strong in their own ways, and their perseverance and bravery are beyond admirable. It was so much fun to get the story from each of their POVs, and they each had their own distinct voice that really fit their personalities.

I really struggled through most of the first part–Julie’s confession–but once her story began to wind down, things really picked up, and I couldn’t put the book down after that.  I absolutely loved all the twists and turns–one in particular I definitely did not see coming–and I’m amazed at Julie’s cleverness.  I really need to go back and reread her confession with new eyes just to catch all the little details and hints.

In the end, Code Name Verity ended up being an amazing book. It shows true courage, endearing friendship, and the terrible truths of war. Yes, the first part was roundabout and rather slow, but in the end, it was certainly as good as everyone says it is, with some truly astounding twists and turns that will keep me thinking about this book for a good long while.

Currently Reading:

Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray

I’ve read quite a few of the current Star Wars canon novels, but I can easily say the ones written by Claudia Gray are my favorite.  Bloodline is an especially a brilliant story, and Gray gets older Leia’s characterization perfectly.  Leia is about a younger version of the princess, and there’s a strong sense of the woman she’ll eventually become.  Younger Leia is still clever and brave, unafraid to get her hands dirty and just as likely to shout the truth as she is to diplomatically discuss a situation.  It’s fun to see her efforts to join the Rebellion knowing how her future with the group plays out, but it’s also rather sad to get to know Breha and Bail Organa so much better knowing their fate.  Their love for Leia is so evident, and I’m glad to see Leia’s relationship with her adopted parents.  I’m only about halfway through this book right now, but I can already say that Leia: Princess of Alderaan is another strong addition to the new Star Wars canon and a must-read for any Leia fan.

Reading Next:

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

I read this book earlier this year and loved it.  It was dark, it was funny, and the footnotes made the nerd in me squee.  I recently got a copy of the sequel, Godsgrave, from my library, so I want to refresh myself on all the drama and characters before I jump into this next book.

And that’s that!  If you’re interested in other books I’ve read recently or other books I’m planning to read this month, check out my Goodreads or keep checking back here.  Otherwise, happy hump day and happy reading!

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